I need an offshore company with an offshore bank account – but is it guaranteed that the bank account will be opened after I register the company? 我需要VI设计银行帐户与VI设计公司-但它保证了银行帐户将被打开后,我注册公司?
If there are some surplus securities after the close of the trading for financed funds and securities, the investors shall transfer the surplus securities to its common securities account from the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients in the securities company. 了结融资融券交易后有剩余证券的,在信用证券账户注销前,投资者应当申请将剩余证券从证券公司的客户信用交易担保证券账户划转到该投资者的普通证券账户。
Deposit rates are capped by the government about 3 percentage points below lending rates, giving banks cushy, guaranteed margins. These account for two-thirds of their profits, according to the regulator. 根据政府的规定,存款利息的上限比贷款利率低3个百分点左右,这保证了银行能轻松地赚到利润。据监管机构的数据,息差带来的利润占银行利润的三分之二。
The company shall, when issuing the list of security holders, record "the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients of XX securities company" in the list of security holders as the holder of securities. 本公司出具证券持有人名册时,将“xx证券公司客户信用交易担保证券账户”作为证券持有人列示在证券持有人名册上。
"The credit securities account" means the secondary account of the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients of a securities company, which can be used to record the details of the guaranteed securities held by a securities company upon Commission of clients. 信用证券账户是证券公司客户信用交易担保证券账户的二级账户,用于记录客户委托证券公司持有的担保证券的明细数据。
The manufacturability of engine block is improved by considering the manufacturing process in the period of modeling. And engine assembling capacity can be guaranteed because assembly relations in it are taken into account while modeling. 在建模过程中考虑了制造工艺,提高了机体的可制造性,保证其在发动机系统中的可装配性。
However, the various policy options, including the guaranteed interest rate, dividend rights, right of rescission, investment account switch rights, irregular premium rights, are not evaluated, and not even being considered in the ratemaking process. 而对于保单中的各种选择权,包括保底利率、分红权、解约权、投资账户转换权、不定期保费等权利,则不进行评估,更不进入费率厘定过程。